政策 英语,关于英语的国家文件!


政策 英语

改革开放 英语怎么说改革开放 英语是:Reform and Opening-upReform意思是改革Opening-up意思是开放

reformation,这个比较符合我们常说的改革的意思the policy of reform and development
方案 英文怎么说
你好“一个中国”政策可以翻译为“One China Policy”希望能够一定程度上帮你解答你的疑惑,望采纳.有什么问题的话我们可以继续探讨的哈!plan, design, plot, scheme, project, blueprint, programme 这些名词均含“计划”之意。 在现代英语中,常用于指阴谋诡计。project: 多指由个人或集体为进行某项工作或完。most of us are the only child in our family. we have no brothers or sisters. our family mainly consists of our mom,our dad and us. we are growing up in a world differently from 。
China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is 。方案 英文怎么说
政策 英语
