
请教几个学校部门名称的英语怎么拼 教学科研处

1、Teaching Research Department 教学科研处 2、teaching research office 教研处 3、教务处 office of educational administration 4、政教处 office of political education 5、总务处 Office of General Services 扩展资料: 学校里一些职务。


Academic Affair Office registrar's office Dean's Office academic affairs office Dean's Office 有个网友说他们学校的牌子上就是这么译的 有个网友说:美国的应该是registrar's office,我们英语老师原来在美国呆过。 又一个网友说:我们学。


Education background is becoming more and more significant in the modern world.First of all,good education enable people to have high quality taste of beings around.No matter when,you'll feel proud of yourself and never get dep。



We all know about the obvious benefits to having a college degree—namely, a steady job and financial security. But we often overlook other benefits to higher education: quality of life improvements that deserve to be brought in。

请问“To 驻XX使馆教育处”英语怎么说?

To the Education Department of X(国家) Ambassy in XX(驻址) 1.如需更换:总领事馆,Consulate General;领事馆,Consulate 2.教育处,还可译为the Department of Education


Long time ago, Chinese paid more attention to other developing countries’ education. Chinese have found many weak points in our education. I think Chinese Education has big changes last 5 years, they know the foreign education 。

