


①.Do you know that oue school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example, one day, two students quarreled with each other for a little thing. Suddenly, they began to fight. One of them was badly hurt becaus..。

②.”怎么了,刚刚好像走神了呢?“和子老师问着小圆,”上课第一天就不听课可不好啊0 小圆低下了头,刚刚是怎么回事呢?明明和焰是第一次见面的…… 一个声音突然响起,似乎是在替小圆解围:“和子老师,鹿目同学也许是刚来。

③.今天早上我约同学一起去苏中乐园玩。同学听后兴奋极了,恨不得马上就飞到那里。 爸爸送我们到了那里,便去买午饭了。叫我们12时35分在门口等他。我和同学买好票后,走进了苏州乐园。 我和同学都喜欢激流勇进,排队的人一眼望不到头。


⑤.Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example。



1.你的学校位于什么地方 2.校园景色如何 3.你对同学和老师们的感受如何 4.请谈谈你对你学校的感觉等.. (在哪自己写吧).First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it ..。

笔试部分 六、根据句子内容填空.(10分) 1、Is _______ your garden? No, it ________. 2、What _______ is it? It’s seven ____________. 3、_______ sunny today, you _________ wear your T-shirt. 4、How ________ bears are there? There ..。

She likes eating bamboo.That is a tiger. She is very cute.she is five years old.She is from Africa. She likes eating meat.She is strong and dangerousThis is a panana,so piease be very quiet.She is from Chinese,but she is very s..。

each other through their favorite aut。

未来的房子-想象作文 朋友,你见过形态万千,式样新颖,的房子吗? 看!那就是我未来的家,这个房子高11米宽10米。这个楼房的四周种着许许多多的花儿草儿。房子的外型可随着主人的需要而变化,如果你住某种外型觉的有点郁闷。
