




A: Hi, how you doing? B:I am cool, and you? A:Also fine B:Today, I went to an English class, I really struggled with it, it is too difficult! A:No man, English is pretty easy, you just have to know the certain rules, and just p..。

楼主: 我今天才过来。

急需二人英语情景对话 要有趣的 3~5 分钟左右 好了 多弄几个 在线等 好了+分。



是关于网上购物的:A:Hi! Mary,how are you going?B: Fine.Oh,you are beautiful today, your suit looks nice. Where did you buy it ?A: I take it auction over the Internet.B: Over 。

Maura: Stress is a really sensitive topic, but we’ll try to have fun talking about it. A: Yes. B: So, first, we’re going to talk about the things that cause stress, so stress factors. Right? A: Yeah. What causes people to feel ..。

"Oh,hi mate! How are you these days?" "Just so so, more or less.And you?" "You know, I'm studying about the topic of dinosaurs. It's really a stuff!" "Oh? What subject are you working on?" "About the extinction of dinosaurs.Fan..。

是关于网上购物的:A:Hi! Mary,how are you going?B: Fine.Oh,you are beautiful today, your suit looks nice. Where did you buy it ?A: I take it auction over the Internet.B: Over 。

还要有韩语翻译 汉语



①.三人的行么? A: How have you been? It had been quite some time since we last met. B: I am fine thank you. Let me introduce to you. This is my classmate, C . A: Nice to meet you C. I am A. I'm a psychology student. C: Nice to me..。

②.A:Hello,你好 B.Long time no see.How are you? B。长时间不见了。你怎么样? B:I am fine,thank you,and you?我很好。

③.Hu is leading China Bush: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China. Bush: Great. Lay it on me. Condi: Hu 。


⑤.H: Hey darling, guess what,today I saw a guy in my office wearing such a nice suit with a fantastic tie. (嘿,亲爱的,想不到吧。



A: Hi, Bruce!Bruce! B: Hi, Alice! How are you?你好嘛,Alice! A: Pretty good. The summer vacation is approaching, do you have any plan for it?还不错。暑假就要到了。

W: Good morning, Dr. Smith. I'm not sure whether you can help me or not, but I'm 。 如果你觉得对话长了,可以自己减少一些句子,希望能帮到你、、好好学习喔、、

题目:1,if you are a parent now,would you accept the marriage across nation 。

Bob: Do you have any plan this weekend? 你这个周末有什么计划。 Tom: We’re planning to go camping this weekend. 我们这个周末计划去野营。 Bob: Where do you plan to go? 你们打算去哪里野营? Tom: There is a lake lying in the east o..。





W: Good morning, Dr. Smith. I'm not sure whether you can help me or not, but I'm 。 如果你觉得对话长了,可以自己减少一些句子,希望能帮到你、、好好学习喔、、

题目:1,if you are a parent now,would you accept the marriage across nation 。

D= David J=John S=Steve D: Morning for Steve and nite for John.Thanks for taking part this triangle meeting.Let's move forward to the conference.J:Morning for Steve and 。

急需二人英语情景对话 要有趣的 3~5 分钟左右 好了 多弄几个 在线等 好了+分。

