


1、have a snowball fight 例句:Looks I then joined in this group of crowds a pile of snowman to have a snowball fight. 看着看着我便加入了这帮人群中堆雪人打雪仗。 2、throw snowballs 例句:We always play outside, throw snowballs,..。

play snow fight。

你好! 打雪仗 A snowball figh。


可乐吧打雪仗Coke snowball fights



—— 英文:I like winter, because in the winter I can make snowmen, snowball fights, and skis. 或 I like winter because I can make snowmen, play snowball fights and ski in 。

打雪仗: 1. throw snowballs 2. have a snowball fight 3. snowball。

snowballing snowball n. 雪球 v. 打雪仗, (使)迅速增长 snowball n.(名词) A mass of soft, wet snow packed into a ball that can be thrown, as in play. 雪球:用软的、湿的雪团滚成的球。

have a snowball fight 或者throw snowballs

Play snow war in winter~



snow 英 [snəʊ] 美 [sno] n. 雪,积雪;下雪 vi. 降雪 vt. 使纷纷落下;使变白 n. (Snow)人名;(英)斯诺

snowball fights 乔西:我喜欢打雪仗! I like snowball fights。

雪人的英文:snowman 参考例句:1、Snowman pad 雪人盘2、Abominable 。 眼前仿佛看到有一个雪人站在托盘上。7、The children scooped up the snow with their hands。

snowballing snowball n. 雪球 v. 打雪仗, (使)迅速增长 snowball n.(名词) A mass of soft, wet snow packed into a ball that can be thrown, as in play. 雪球:用软的、湿的雪团滚成的球。

have a snowball fight 或者throw snowballs



1、have a snowball fight 例句:Looks I then joined in this group of crowds a pile of snowman to have a snowball fight. 看着看着我便加入了这帮人群中堆雪人打雪仗。 2、throw snowballs 例句:We always play outside, throw snowballs,..。

打雪仗have a snowball fight 玩雪play with sno。

In winter, we can make a snowman. 冬天我们可以堆雪人。In winter, we can have a snowball fight.冬天我们可以打雪仗。In winter, we can enjoy the snow-covered landscape。

—— 英文:I like winter, because in the winter I can make snowmen, snowball fights, and skis. 或 I like winter because I can make snowmen, play snowball fights and ski in 。




打雪仗 have a snowball fight throw snowballs 孩子们快活地打雪仗。 The children were enjoying a snowball figh。

下课了 我和同学们打雪仗同学们打我 我打同学们 我们开心极了!!!!

Play snow war in winter~


可乐吧打雪仗Coke snowball fights
