



A: Hello, what are you going to do?B: I am going to do some shopping.A: What are you going to buy?B: The vegetables and fruits are urgent. So I will buy them in the 。


付账时的基本常用对话请告诉我一些收银员与顾客之间会用到的对话 谢谢!。

商场购物时常用英文用语我们去(商店)逛逛吧!Let's go window-shopping.I'm flat broke. (我身无分文。)Let's go window-shopping anyway. (不管怎么说。




一、售货员招呼顾客: 在讲英语国家的商店里,售货员见到顾客时常说: 1. May I help you? 您买东西吗? 2. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?您想买什么? 3. Is there anything I can do for you? 4. May(Can)I do something for you? 一..。

may i help you?我可以帮助你吗? i need....我需要... How much is this...?这个...多少钱? please give me another.请给我拿个别的。 i will buy it.我买它。

how much?100rmb




我也不是很会 试着写一点 希望能帮到你 主要讲的是一对夫妻在超市购物,遇到了一个朋友,邀请朋友去吃饭,最后加了一个收银员 A wife B husband C lily D cashier A:。

1 逛街购物买衬衫 JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts?LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours.JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here。.

付账时的基本常用对话请告诉我一些收银员与顾客之间会用到的对话 谢谢!。

A: Hello, what are you going to do?B: I am going to do some shopping.A: What are you going to buy?B: The vegetables and fruits are urgent. So I will buy them in the 。

我们去(商店)逛逛吧! Let's go window-shopping. I'm flat broke. (我身无分文。) Let's go window-shopping anyway. (不管怎么说。



①.How much is it? 多少钱 Do you do discount at all?你们打折么? May i have a bag?我可以要一个袋子么? Are the bags chareable? 袋子要付钱么? How much are the bags?袋子多少钱一个? Thank you!谢谢! Do you need a bag?你要袋子么?..。

②.A:May I help you?B:Yes!I want to buy a sweater for my son.A:This way please.How about this one ?B:I think it is ok.C:No,I don't like red very much.I like green.A:So what do you。

③.我买了 I'll take it! 多少钱 How much is it ? 我可以(再)试穿吗? Could I try it on (again) ?但是太贵了 But it’so expensive 我只是看看 I’m just looking我去别的店看看 Maybe I'll just keep looking这个有折扣吗 Do these have discou..。

④.购物英语口语 一、Shopping Vocabulary购物词汇表Types of shops商店类别:department store百货商场shopping mall大商场shopping center购物中心small shop小商店snack bar小吃店supermarket超市toy shop玩具店book store书店stationer’s shop..。




A:May I help you?B:Yes!I want to buy a sweater for my son.A:This way please.How about this one ?B:I think it is ok.C:No,I don't like red very much.I like green.A:So what do you。

A:What can i do for you?有什么能够帮助你吗?B:Yes,i want to buy a T-shirt.Can you lead me to see?我想要买一件T桖,你能领我去看看吗?A:Yes,please!好的。

想要学好英语,老师水平是关键 东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正很重要,否则学错口音要改正就更困难了,一定要多试听来比较..之前我咨询了很多家,比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好. 我选择了ABC天芐口语,帮你及时纠正学习方法。
