
My hometown is Harbin. As we all known, Harbin has had "Oriental small Paris", "Oriental Moscow" reputation. the city building a brew, style distinctive. Humanity has a 。英文的哦!O(U U)O


Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province,with a population of 5.3 million and 。 is an important waterway for shipping.哈尔滨是黑龙江省省会,人口530万,面积18000平。

英语作文 80字 差不多 写哈尔滨的 初三水平就行 谢谢 急用 好了加分!!provincial capital省会的英文:capital 英 ['kæpɪt(ə)l] 美 ['kæpɪtl] n. 首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家 adj. 首都的;重要的;大写的 n. (Capital)人名;(法)卡皮塔尔 例句:It's the 。
Provinces of China例句其三,运用DEA方法准确测度并比较了中国各省份农业补贴的效率和超效率。Third, the efficiency and super-efficiency of agricultural subsidies in 。:“省会城市”Capital city":“省会城市”Capital city"
Beijing CityShanghai CityTianjin CityChongqing CityAnhui ProvinceFujian ProvinceGansu ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceGuizhouprovinceHainan ProvinceHebei 。
英语作文 我的家乡哈尔滨
China has 23 provinces, their names and capital cities are :23个省:黑龙江(黑、哈尔滨) Heilongjiang (Hei, Harbin) 吉林(吉、长春) Jilin (Jilin, Changchun) 辽宁(辽、。
My Hometown-----HarbinDear friends,have you heard of Harbin? Have you been to Harbin? Harbin is my favorite place and it's my hometown.Harbin is a city with a long 。Natural Resource Harbin, with its long history, and the cradle of Jin and Qing Dynasties and the settlement of multi-nationalities. Situated in the belt within 44°04′N to 46°40′。
介绍哈尔滨 初四英语作文

My hometown in haerbin. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate. Now there is very beautiful.in the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a 。

Natural Resources Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province, is located in the belt 。 城 市 概 况 哈尔滨位于东经125°42′-130°10′,北纬44°04′-46°40′,是黑龙江省省会。

INTRODUCTION TO HARBIN Ladies and gentlemen:On behalf of China International Travel Service, I'd like to welcome you with my open arms. My name is xxx. Our driver is 。


My hometown in haerbin. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate. Now there is very beautiful.in the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a 。

Natural Resources Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province, is located in the belt 。 城 市 概 况 哈尔滨位于东经125°42′-130°10′,北纬44°04′-46°40′,是黑龙江省省会。

INTRODUCTION TO HARBIN Ladies and gentlemen:On behalf of China International Travel Service, I'd like to welcome you with my open arms. My name is xxx. Our driver is 。

