
保持联系的英语短语是keep in touch,相关信息如下: keep in touch 英 [ki:p in tʌtʃ] 美 [kip ɪn tʌtʃ] v.保持联络 例句: She's still keen to keep in touch 她仍旧很愿意保。给我打电话Give me a call / Call me sometime / Please call me/Give me a ring 保持联系Keep in touch 随时和我联系Feel free to contact me/Contact me anytime/Don't 。

keep in touch with sb.

保持联系的英文短语:keep in touch、 一、keep in touch 英 [ki:p in tʌtʃ] 美 [kip ɪn tʌtʃ] v.保持联络 touch:英 [tʌtʃ] 美 [tʌtʃ] vt.触摸;使某物与…轻轻接触;吃或喝。
keep in touch 保持联系你通常如何与你的朋友保持联系?用英语回答,并说出原因要有介词。
保持联络的英文是不是keep on touch?如不是是什么?
如果我没有记错的话,应该是keep in touch (with sb.)吧~即“和某人保持联系”。希望可以帮助到你哦~we keep in touch with each other by email now.上面的答案应该是keep in touch我希望我们可以一直保持联系 用英文怎么说I hope we can get in touch with each other all the time .
与、、、、保持联系 翻译成英文短语 !!!!!!!!!
let's keep on communicating.让我们保持联系(沟通)保持练习英文 keep practising English保持联系 keep in touch with stay in touch withHi how's life?How are you recently?Is there anything I can help with?We didn't meet up for a long time, wanna go out sometime?详细点吧 不好说
let's keep on communicating.让我们保持联系(沟通)保持练习英文 keep practising English保持联系 keep in touch with stay in touch withHi how's life?How are you recently?Is there anything I can help with?We didn't meet up for a long time, wanna go out sometime?详细点吧 不好说
我希望我们可以一直保持联系 用英文怎么说
let's keep on communicating.让我们保持联系(沟通)保持练习英文 keep practising English保持联系 keep in touch with stay in touch withHi how's life?How are you recently?Is there anything I can help with?We didn't meet up for a long time, wanna go out sometime?详细点吧 不好说
let's keep on communicating.让我们保持联系(沟通)保持练习英文 keep practising English保持联系 keep in touch with stay in touch withHi how's life?How are you recently?Is there anything I can help with?We didn't meet up for a long time, wanna go out sometime?详细点吧 不好说
let's keep on communicating.让我们保持联系(沟通)保持练习英文 keep practising English保持联系 keep in touch with stay in touch withHi how's life?How are you recently?Is there anything I can help with?We didn't meet up for a long time, wanna go out sometime?详细点吧 不好说
let's keep on communicating.让我们保持联系(沟通)保持练习英文 keep practising English保持联系 keep in touch with stay in touch withHi how's life?How are you recently?Is there anything I can help with?We didn't meet up for a long time, wanna go out sometime?详细点吧 不好说
