


我知道是撤销的意思,只是 撤销 跟 Z 是什么关系,是英文的大写还是别的意。

剪切 [简明汉英词典]cut粘贴 [简明汉英词典]affixplasterstickstickup撤消 cancel恢复 resume保留= 1. (保存不变) continue to have; persist; retain: 保留实力 preserve one's strength; 他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气。 He still retains the revolutionary fervour of the。

a common way to say is Save .Ex Can you save the data for me? Can you help me to save the letter on this computer?

二位的回答确实有帮助,但为什么,paste作剪切意时是X?CTRL+Z ——撤销 撤销——cancel 所以这里的z指的是——cancel撤销的意思,当然可理解为cancel的第一个字母 请多多指教
保存 英文是什么单词?
“另存为”的英文是:Another deposit is !例句:1,Save as Virtual Newsgroup 翻译:另存为"虚拟新闻组"2,and must remember to use to the Save As… command when。详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案
不知道。撤销按“Ctrl+z”就可以了,不管什么软件都是这样,希望您能满意存储 的英文是什么。?
有没有 英文 撤销AZ的步骤
2010版的英文版 3dmax ctrl+z的撤销没用没反应,求解T_T如题save[seiv]vt.解救, 保存, 保全, 保留, 节省, 储蓄vi.保留的英文是retain或reserve。详细解释:retain 英[rɪˈteɪn] 美[rɪˈten] vt. 保留;保持; 留在心中,记住; 雇用; 付定金保留; [例句]The interior of the shop still 。
You can withdraw your claim by following these steps:1. View the Order Summary in "Your Account" (http://www.amazon.com/your-account) 2. On the order summary page, 。保存信息:save to preserve; to conserve; to keep; to reserve; to reposit; to seal in; to lay by没区别。这两个都是用来撤销的。建议使用CTRL+Z,因为这样和PS一样,记起来方便。
You can withdraw your claim by following these steps:1. View the Order Summary in "Your Account" (http://www.amazon.com/your-account) 2. On the order summary page, 。保存信息:save to preserve; to conserve; to keep; to reserve; to reposit; to seal in; to lay by没区别。这两个都是用来撤销的。建议使用CTRL+Z,因为这样和PS一样,记起来方便。
CTRL+Z Z是哪个英文的第一个字母
You can withdraw your claim by following these steps:1. View the Order Summary in "Your Account" (http://www.amazon.com/your-account) 2. On the order summary page, 。保存信息:save to preserve; to conserve; to keep; to reserve; to reposit; to seal in; to lay by没区别。这两个都是用来撤销的。建议使用CTRL+Z,因为这样和PS一样,记起来方便。
