未完待续英文,to be continued!

未完待续 翻译成英文是什么?


to be continue 是病句【口语中是正确的,表示未完待续】,”to be“ 表示被动,因此 continue 要用被动语态 continuedto be continued 意思是 ”待续“(直译是 ”等待被。

to be continued的意思是:待续,未完待续;未完成 固定搭配 Life to Be Continued 生活还要继续 To be continued later 留待后言 Unfinished To Be Continued 未完待续 例。to be counter英语学的不好 别笑话
未完待续的英文缩写 To be continued for English To be continuedto be continue 是病句”to be“ 表示被动, 因此 continue 要用被动语态 continuedto be continued 意思是 ”待续“(直译是 ”等待被继续下去“)第一句可能是 to 。
不要用to be continued不要用to be continuedstill unfolding story好难听。未完待续的意思。 在文章或视频中会经常见到这个短语,表示本章/本集故事还没完,接下来还有下文,敬请期待。转自小鸡词典@皮筋儿
网络用语to be continued是什么梗?

To be continued 未完待续。例句:以上是我为公司网站写的策划方案,未完待续 Above is the concoctive program that I write for company website, unfinished to becontinued

to be continued 是 '有待继续', '未完请候', '下稍继续', '请留意续集' 的意思 请采纳谢谢
to be continue什么意思
to be continued 能不能直接写 continue 不用被动语态 或者直接写 was 。
英语问题to be continued
To be contiued 例句:Looking back at last month's article I noticed that I ended with to be continued.回顾了一下上月的文章,我发现我在结尾处用了“未完待续”。to be continued 未完待续 标准的和to be continue 有什么区别,前面能加Be动词后加Ing吗是to be continue,还是to be continued?education是可数的吗?有短语是get a。
to be continued是什么意思
To be contiued 例句:Looking back at last month's article I noticed that I ended with to be continued.回顾了一下上月的文章,我发现我在结尾处用了“未完待续”。to be continued 未完待续 标准的和to be continue 有什么区别,前面能加Be动词后加Ing吗是to be continue,还是to be continued?education是可数的吗?有短语是get a。
