
没关系1.never mind2.not at all3.it doesn't matter4.non fa niente 没关系,没关系1.never mind 没关系,真的没关系1.it doesn't matter 但是没关系1.it doesn't matter anymore2。没关系It 's OK。这个比较口语化一点,而且最容易了。。。或That's OK。没关系的英语是:That's alright That's 读音:英 [ðæts] 美 [ðæts] n.说得更精确些,简而言之 alright 读音:英 [ɔ:lˈraɪt] 美 [ɔlˈraɪt] adv.好的;正确;令人满意 adj.没。
对不起 : I am sorry, Sorry, (I am)sorry to interrupt/trouble you. Excuse me, but 。 Pardon, can you 。 etc. 没关系: Not at all. That's all right. Never mind! Forget it.it is my 。1.It doesn't matter.不重要,不值得注意的意思.2.It's nothing.区区小事,不足挂齿3.That's all right.没关系,用于回答别人的感谢.4.Never mind.让人别担心的意思
1.It doesn't matter.2.It's nothing.3.That's all right.4.Never mind 5.that's ok没关系: 1. It doesn't matter.2. Never mind3. That's OK4. (it's) all right5. Don't worry about that.如果我赶不上火车,那也没关系。 It doesn't matter if I miss my train.没关系。。
看情况的啊: OK it doesn't matter not at all never mind 。。。。。.

Don't worry.No worries.You are alright.That's alright.

“没关系”用英语怎么说 ?

一些实用的英文口语:“没关系”如下: 1. That's OK! 没关系! 2. That's alright! 没关系! 3. Don't worry about it! 不用担心! 4. It's nothing! 没什么! 5. Never mind!。

没关系。用英文怎么说?英语为doesn't matter
Don't worry.No worries.You are alright.That's alright.没关系 [méi guān xi] it doesn't matter. 相关解释: never mind. that's ok. it's all right 例句: 这鞋刚穿时要是有点紧没关系, 这种皮子很有延展性. don't worry if the shoes 。争议“没关系” 英文拼写"It doesn't matter"
英语口语 "没关系"有哪几种说法

没关系的英语是:That's alright That's 读音:英 [ðæts] 美 [ðæts] n.说得更精确些,简而言之 alright 读音:英 [ɔ:lˈraɪt] 美 [ɔlˈraɪt] adv.好的;正确;令人满意 adj.没。

没关系it doesn't matternever mindit's alrightit's okit's fineNot at all。没关系。(闹特 安特 奥)

没关系 It is O.K. 这种没关系比较勉强,内心比较不爽,但不便说。That's all right. 好吧,没事,没事。内心小有不爽,有息事宁人的意思。It doesn't matter./Don't mention it。.


没关系的英语是:That's alright That's 读音:英 [ðæts] 美 [ðæts] n.说得更精确些,简而言之 alright 读音:英 [ɔ:lˈraɪt] 美 [ɔlˈraɪt] adv.好的;正确;令人满意 adj.没。

没关系it doesn't matternever mindit's alrightit's okit's fineNot at all。没关系。(闹特 安特 奥)

没关系 It is O.K. 这种没关系比较勉强,内心比较不爽,但不便说。That's all right. 好吧,没事,没事。内心小有不爽,有息事宁人的意思。It doesn't matter./Don't mention it。.

