
一篇关于电影 《弱点》的英文关后感
The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, were transcendent movies. The Blind Side (TBS) is not, which is why it is not a great movie. But in terms of its themes, it is a serious。This is a can't-miss family movie. After all, EVERYONE seems to like inspiring family films--especially when it's based on real people. And, not surprisingly, I had a thoroughly 。两百词以上,只要影评,文采好的给点深度喔,只要影评,其他介绍啊什么的。
电影≤弱点≥英文观后感 字数不限 最后不要太长+点语法错误

本片是根据迈克尔·刘易斯的作品《弱点:比赛进程》而改编的电影,讲述了2009年美国国家橄榄球联盟(National Football League)首轮选秀球员迈克尔·奥赫的不凡经。

弱点观后感 英语50词 翻译
"Weakness" (< < the blind side > >). This movie is based on Michael lewis's works 。 中文: 《弱点》(<>)这部电影是根据迈克尔.刘易斯的作品《弱点。.
弱点是Weaknesses.观后感是impressions of after readingThe marketing campaign for The Blind Side plays up the inspirational aspects of the 。 This is more about simple human decency and economic disadvantage than it is about 。
