



专属定制英文怎么说haute couture这是最专业的,从法语来的,可是说是专有名词!其他的也太直译了,不要借鉴!haute couture /ˌəʊt kuːˈtjʊə/ 1. N-UNCOUNTHaute couture refers to 。
你好!定做与订做的区别The difference between custom-made and custom-made再看看别人怎么说的。

English is the most important language in the world and it is one of the most important subjects in junior high so we should learn it well.Learning English just like learning other。

量身订做 英语怎样翻译
量身定做 specially tailored 例如:每一件产品都是为客户量身定做的 Each of our products are tailored to the client's business and needs


你好!定制custom-made 英[ˌkʌstəmˈmeɪd] 美[ˌkʌstəmˈmed] adj. 定做的,订制的; [例句]Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.你也。

during my high school years, i have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics 。 history, geography, chinese, and english. but somehow i cannot remember the historical 。计划 [jì huà](工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan;project;programme宏伟的计划 a magnificent project;制定计划 make a plan;draw up a plan;work out a plan;。量身定做的英语:customized例句:He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made.中文意思:他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是量身定做的。
during my high school years, i have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics 。 history, geography, chinese, and english. but somehow i cannot remember the historical 。计划 [jì huà](工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan;project;programme宏伟的计划 a magnificent project;制定计划 make a plan;draw up a plan;work out a plan;。量身定做的英语:customized例句:He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made.中文意思:他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是量身定做的。
制定计划 英语怎么说?好像老外都说:define the plan.这样对吗?
during my high school years, i have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics 。 history, geography, chinese, and english. but somehow i cannot remember the historical 。计划 [jì huà](工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan;project;programme宏伟的计划 a magnificent project;制定计划 make a plan;draw up a plan;work out a plan;。量身定做的英语:customized例句:He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made.中文意思:他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是量身定做的。
