


The movie《The Pursuit of Happyness》is a story about a father never give up and succeed in the end. In the movie the father told his son that if you have a dream you should 。

When happiness knocks on the door,there are no beautiful actors,no fancy clips,no 。 《当幸福来敲门》电影里没有漂亮的演员,没有花哨的剪辑,也没有精彩的配乐,但是。

呐个是 传说中的 英语暑假作业 之一 。。还有 重点是 不要 全都和大众一样啊 。

之前看过威尔.史密斯主演过的“我是传奇”,我被电影紧张的情节所深深吸引,电影。 因此,对他的电影常有关注,今天便要介绍他的电影“当幸福来敲门”。 电影讲述。

肖申克的救赎 英语影评2000字
Have you ever known a famous experiment of the flea? In my point of view, I think it has some commons with the film Shawshank Redemption. First I'd like to introduce the 。"The Pursuit of Happyness" is a simple inspirational movie. It is not pretty actors, 。 Chris is happy.《当幸福来敲门》是一个简单的励志电影。它没有漂亮的演员,没有花。
关于《肖申克的救赎》的影评 英文的,300到400字
答案:i watch zhe movie ,i konw,you got a dream,you gotta protect it. people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.if you want something, go get it. 。如题 够字数加分!!是一部伟大的电影,至少我是这么认为的。它的伟大源自它对人性,未获得奥斯卡一项大奖,但随着时间的推移。它是真正的无冕之王、对生活的诠释。 《肖申克的救赎》。
