
起因 [qǐ yīn] origin wedge 相关解释:cause origination result 例句:要探讨爱尔兰问题的起因就要追溯到三百多年以前。To trace the origins of the Irish problem, we have to。产生原因cause更多释义>>[网络短语]产生原因 cause;Reason;the causes不良产生原因 Primary analysis现状及产生原因 status and causing reason;present situation and 。
由于某种原因 英文怎么说
最主要的原因之一one of the main reasons例句:1.one of the biggest reasons for the pervasive clutter in my apartment is a lack oftime to deal with it.我的房间之所以凌乱不。

For some reason(or other)括号里的可有可无 For some reason she didn't turn up.由于某种原因她没有来.For some reason or other, she turned more to her father.由于某种原。

名声和成功没什么不同 英文翻译:Fame is no different from success.或者:There is no difference between fame and success.重点词汇释义:名声 英文:reputation; 。
名声是一把双刃剑的英语作文怎么写?要字数不少于120字。 ...
fame and success Recently,there are more and more famous people who are famous for their unusual proformance and experience appearing on the internet.Such as Sister 。
