
以"我第一次自己一个人在家"为话题,写一篇英文短文100字左右 ...
Last week Saturday, daddy has gone to work, mother also went to the bookstore to buy the book, kept me at home. I discovered an extracurricular book to read first. Is reading 。
你曾经独自一个人在家 你的经历及感受是什么样的 写一篇英语作文 ...


when it comes to the topic of staying alone at home,my memory draw me back to the time when i was 12 years old.it was a time when my parents were busy with their work 。

50字以上when I stay at home,I often read some interesting books to learn a lot.Sometimes I will draw some pictures when I am free.I like talking with my friends,I think it can help me 。As the saying goes,roses given,fragrance in hand.In our daily life,we will meet with a 。 I still remember I helped one of my classmates with his English when we were in the first 。
staying at home alone thuesday nov. 16, 2003 fine i took my school report and came 。 如果妈妈知道我得了这么低的分数,特别是英语,她会撕了我所有的漫画书。我喜欢。
【】【英语作文】写自己的一天过程 总结成英语作文,60词左右 ...
包括校园、教室、运动尝图书馆等等环境,如果学校有光荣的历史也可谈谈; 4、谈谈你们的新老师、特别是你们的新班主任老师的第一印象; 5、谈谈你们的新When I am at home alone, I watches TV from the morning to the night.
