


谨以此片献给XXX=This film is dedicated to XXX dedicate英 [ˈdedɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈdɛdɪˌket] vt. 奉献,献身;(为表示感情或敬意将著作、乐曲、艺术作品等)题献给(。

谨以此文,献给天下的母亲This article is dedicated to the mother of the world谨以此文,献给天下的母亲This article is dedicated to the mother of the world

When I go to school, I will have a test once a month, I am so afraid to tell my mother the school report, if I do well, my mother is happy, but if I am not doing well, I let my mother 。

急需,要写作业啦! 看好喽,是英语单词!

this song is for you ,最简洁的答。



When I go to school, I will have a test once a month, I am so afraid to tell my mother the school report, if I do well, my mother is happy, but if I am not doing well, I let my mother 。

写法如下两例所示: 例1: This book is dedicated to my parents. For me you sacrificed much, supported unconditionally and loved without limit. Thank you. 例2: This book is dedicated to my friend, partner and spouse Magda, whose un..。


It was time to bid a farewell

送=deliver, give 送给=sen。



①.give 过去式 gave provide 过去式 provided 看你想要表达的意思咯。

②.给你的英语翻译:Here you are、Here it is。 英 [hiə ju: ɑ:];美 [ˈhɪri ju e(r)] 一、Here you are 1、I see. Here you are. 我明白了。拿去吧! 2、Can I eat now? Here you are. 我现在能吃吗?给你。 3、Can I have some c..。

③.“送给”英语说法:send 读法: 英 [send] 美 [send] 释义:v.(动词)派遣,派人,差使,安排去,发射,打发,寄,送给。

④.背单词 [动] recite words; [例句]今天我背单词了吗?Did I recite words today?




①.to our dearest teache。

②.表达感谢 expressing thanks; Express Thanks; expressing gratitude; Gratitude; express gratitude; [例句]表达感谢和感激。Give thanks and appreciation.表示感谢的英语句。

③.谨以此片献给XXX=This film is dedicated to XXX dedicate英 [ˈdedɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈdɛdɪˌket] vt. 奉献,献身;(为表示感情或敬意将著作、乐曲、艺术作品等)题献给(。

④.It was time to bid a farewell

⑤.晚上的单词:night night 读法 英 [naɪt] 美 [naɪt] 1、n. 夜晚,晚上;黑暗,黑夜2、adj. 夜晚的,夜间的 短语:1、waste a night 浪费一个晚上2、turn night into day 以黑夜。




To my loving people. 为你解答。

急需,要写作业啦! 看好喽,是英语单词!

famous 英 ['feɪməs] 美 ['feməs] adj. 著名的;极好的,非常令人满意的

我们书店里有各种书籍供来自全国各地的学生选购。 all kinds of books are sold in our bookshop to students coming from all over the country. 你必须以较高的分数通过托福考试 you must pass TOEFL with a good score. 这个公司的职员都有较..。
