


Beihai park is located in the downtown area of Beijing City, on the west side of 。 北海公园2113位于北京市5261中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与4102中海、南。

Welcome to Beihai

Beihai Park2006-11-216:39:13 Beihai Park Beihai Park has been a playground for 。 grandson of Genghis Khan and founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China.The island at the 。

Welcome to Beihai

sun island is located in the southeast sea of weizhou island 9 miles, and weizhou island is known as "big, small penglai" reputation, 1.89 square kilometers area is guangxi。



Beihai Park located in central Beijing, is one of the oldest and most authentically 。 of ancient China Beihai is a gem of garden art. 这是北海公园的官方英文简介,希望对你。


The health school of BeiHai基本上可以这样翻译

The health school of BeiHai基本上可以这样翻译

Beihai park is located in the downtown area of Beijing City, on the west side of 。 北海公园2113位于北京市5261中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与4102中海、南。



东:east 中文谐音:伊斯特 西:west 中文谐音:万斯特 南:south 中文谐音:扫思 北:north 中文谐音:闹死

Beihai Park located in central Beijing, is one of the oldest and most authentically 。 of ancient China Beihai is a gem of garden art. 这是北海公园的官方英文简介,希望对你。

写一篇介绍北海的风光短文,60字左右,提示词:south of Guangxi ,be 。

要带翻译 ~ 拜托拜托!

sun island is located in the southeast sea of weizhou island 9 miles, and weizhou island is known as "big, small penglai" reputation, 1.89 square kilometers area is guangxi。
