


可以说:in a word或者in short 外语专家为您解答,不懂欢迎追问,满意望采纳,谢谢!

急需,要写作业啦! 看好喽,是英语单词!

可以说:in a word或者in short 外语专家为您解答,不懂欢迎追问,满意望采纳,谢谢!

粘性 [nián xìng] n. viscidity ; stickiness

warm英音:[wɔ:m]美音:[wɔrm] 形容词 a. 1.温暖的,暖和的 The day was warm and cloudless. 天气温暖而晴朗。2.保暖的;使暖的3.热情的;衷心的 Aunt Sue is a very 。



Horizontal adj.水平的, 与地平线平行的, 横的 The lake has a horizontal surface. 湖。 垂直位置 Row n.1.一排, 一行 The audience in the front rows made room for the late 。

“授权书”用英文翻译为“authorization certificate of authorization”。双语例句:1. 审计人员然后具有对董事会决议、合同、采购授权书、发票、工作确认证明和已付支票。

翻译如下:欲盖弥彰The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed或者The Great Cover up例句:欲盖弥彰:尼克松和水门事件的丑闻The Great Coverup: Nixon& the 。

“授权书”用英文翻译为“authorization certificate of authorization”。双语例句:1. 审计人员然后具有对董事会决议、合同、采购授权书、发票、工作确认证明和已付支票。

*** ,应解释为:卑贱的人,多用于辱骂妇女;英文中相应为:bitch,发音[bɪtʃ] ,比较常用;例如:我怎么绑了这么个没用的小***!What's gotten into me, 。



possessive nouns

翻译如下:欲盖弥彰The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed或者The Great Cover up例句:欲盖弥彰:尼克松和水门事件的丑闻The Great Coverup: Nixon& the 。

Horizontal adj.水平的, 与地平线平行的, 横的 The lake has a horizontal surface. 湖。 垂直位置 Row n.1.一排, 一行 The audience in the front rows made room for the late 。

possessive nouns

单词: word例句与用法: 1. 我不知道这个单词怎么发音。 I don't know how to pronounce this word. 2. 美国人拼写某些单词不同于英国人。 The Americans spell some 。
