
你好!满足 satisfy 英[ˈsætɪsfaɪ] 美[ˈsætɪsˌfaɪ] vt. 使满意,满足; vt. 使确信; 符合,达到(要求、规定、标准等); 消除; 履行; vi. 使满足或足够; 使满意;楼主您好!很高兴为您服务:是“As yours new student”满意给分。**********************您好,很高兴为您解答meet daily need敬请追问,您珍贵的采纳是我坚持的动力,祝您学习进步***********************
我可以满足你I can meet you例句:1.我可以满足你的条件。I can fulfill your requirements.2.我可以让你有满足感。I'll let you have that satisfaction.3.你要什么我都可以满足你。
满足的英语翻译 满足用英语怎么说
满足需求的英文:supply the demand 参考例句:Just enough food to go around.有足够食物来满足需求。The supply of the raw material has come short of the needs.原料供。be content with sth满足于什么什么 saitisfy the needs of sth满足什么什么的需求(主动) be satisfied with sth(被动结构) meet one`s demands满足某人的要求 希望对您有。以 作为代价这个词语用英语表达翻译为 : at the expense of例句:His success in study is at the expense of his health.他在学习上的成功是以健康作为代价的。
您好! 应该是:satisfied 这个单词 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!
作为您的新学生 用英语怎么说
坚持 [jiān chí] adhere to insist on persevere in persist in stick to 动词persist in; persevere in; uphold; insist on; stick to; adhere to

