



I was raised up by my grandmother.I was brought up by my grandmother.我由我的奶奶抚养长大了。raise up/ bring up养育[词典] bring up; rear; raising; breeding;[例句]新法令涵盖了儿童保育、养育和保护的相关内容。The new statute covers the care for, bringing up and protection of children
养 用英语怎么说
养育之恩 是指 the gratitude for the love and care given (or received) from childhood.能表达养育之恩 大於天的英文例句:The greatest gift in life is the upbringing experience 。
养育用英语说: raise upthe mother had to raise up the child by herself.母亲必须自己独力抚养孩子。a boy who was born in the late 80's, now has been raise up to be the 。就是各种“养”怎么翻译,比如说,养小孩,培养下一代,养狗,养老之类的。feed也有喂养的意思。不过最用在动物身上。因为一般他是饲养的意思。 feed foster 。 (动物或婴儿的)一餐 vt.喂养, 饲养, 放牧, 靠。为生 vi.吃东西, 流入 foster vt.养育。
以my hometown为题的英语作文,写资阳雁江的,80字左右
感谢爸爸妈妈养育了我这么多年 Thank Mom and dad for brought up me for so many years培育.. 英文 1. incubation 2. cultivation 3. educate 这三个原理上都是没错的, 最常用的是第三个educate 词组:to breed
感谢爸爸妈妈养育了我这么多年 Thank Mom and dad for brought up me for so many years培育.. 英文 1. incubation 2. cultivation 3. educate 这三个原理上都是没错的, 最常用的是第三个educate 词组:to breed
地名翻译成英文() 中国四川省资阳市雁江区金山名苑小区6栋102 ...
感谢爸爸妈妈养育了我这么多年 Thank Mom and dad for brought up me for so many years培育.. 英文 1. incubation 2. cultivation 3. educate 这三个原理上都是没错的, 最常用的是第三个educate 词组:to breed
