
可以说:very attractiveattract

海南每年吸引了很多的游客。译为:Hainan annually attracts a lot of tourists.

您好,翻译为: Every year , there are many chinse and foreign people go to travle tour 希望能够帮助你friends here, this afternoon. Good-by, Gre你好!一双大眼睛a pair of big eyes
attractive 最合适。用来修饰人和物都比较到位!每年都吸引众多世界各地游客的翻译是:Every year attracts many tourists from all over the world
It is cool in summer in Qinggao , so it attracts lots of tourists every year.
attract是动词,吸引 attractive是形容词,很有吸引力 上面的说的对的。 下面还有, 吸引人的: 1. absorbing 2. attractive (最常见到)3. alluring 4. come-hither 5. 。它美丽的风景每年都吸引着来自世界的成千上万的游客 its beautiful scenery attracts thousands of visitors from the world each year.吸引某人的注意,2113英文是:attract one's attention。例句:The topic always attract my attention, I have more interest in study!因为有了这块天地,5261所以对学习有了。
天山是如此的美丽,以至于每年都能吸引大量的游客 用英语怎么说。

吸引了世界各地的游客到此参观 Attracts tourists from all over the world to visit her


“仅仅这些方面就足够吸引人的”"These alone is sufficient to attract people"您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢记得给问豆啊!

吸引的动词形式:attract 比如:The food attract me。形容词:attractive 吸引人的。名次:attraction 吸引力
