


①.It's a cat.It's fat.it has two eyes and four legs.it can't swim.I like it。

②.说实话,小学英语的要求并不高,简单的自我介绍可以嘛? 如果是高点的年级,简单的介绍某物,单词简单都可以,但是一定要正确,语句的组织结是否正确。

③.My favourite asian country is Korea,the reason for this is (你的喜欢韩国的原因= 话说这是要多少字的?。


⑤.I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a docto..。



①.MY school MY school is very beautiful and happy.IN classroom have me ,my teacher and my parents.In afternoon i like playing computer games and play basketball.i like my school. 我小学就用这。。。特好 那上面的太长 你老师一定不相..。

②.那是一个风和日丽的早晨,爸爸送给我了一部可爱的手机,还陪我买了一个美丽的手机挂饰。我拿到手机后,好心情就像小兔子跳高,“噌”地一下上升了一大截。 我的手机是翻盖的。手机的盖子是黄绿色的,中间有一个“m”的图案。

③.真厉害,一年级就写英语作文了 一般写自我介绍,自己的相貌特征啦,家人啦等,或是就读什么学校,有哪些朋友,一个一个名字写出来。

④.My good friend Hi。

⑤.so ieltsy。
