




Tom bought several apples ,he gave jack two ,then he gave three apples to Sam ,last he gave one apple to Anna , now he have no one, how many apples did Tom have? 汤。

One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。 He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen 。

风和太阳(the wind and the sun) one day the wind said to the sun, “look at that man walking along the road. i can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “we will 。




风和太阳(the wind and the sun) one day the wind said to the sun, “look at that man walking along the road. i can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “we will 。

小孩都很喜欢这个,你讲完,他们就能重复讲给你听呢。 其中的went out 还可以换成别的活动。


Teacher: When was Rome built? Teacher: Who told you that? 老师:罗马是什么时候建成的? 老师:谁告诉你的? 汤姆:是您埃您说过罗马不是在一个白天建成的。 2.He Knows the Answer 他知道答案 Teacher: Can you tell me anything about the..。





1年级 本人文化水平低,希望各位朋友帮帮忙,谢谢


一 A man in the fishing by the river, he caught much fish, but every catch fish with a ruler. As long as the big fish than the feet, he threw back into the river. Bystanders who saw don't understand ground to ask: "other people..。



①.好孩子 小汤姆问***妈要两分钱。 妈妈问:“你昨天的钱做了什么?” “我给了一个可怜的老人。他回答。 妈妈说:“你是个好孩子,“这是两分钱。


③.The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him. One day the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and lie in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. 。

④.The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him. One day the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and lie in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. 。

⑤.A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he 。 英语寓言故事带翻译 Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my 。


五、英语故事短文 小学生 一年级

①.Tom bought several apples ,he gave jack two ,then he gave three apples to Sam ,last he gave one apple to Anna , now he have no one, how many apples did Tom have? 汤。

②.One day, a tiger was hungry. The tiger met a fox and wanted to eat it. “How dare you eat me?!” the fox shouted. “Why not?” the tiger asked. “ I am sent by god to rule all the animals! I am the king of animals! If you eat me, yo..。

③.喔 顺便说一下 我目前上的ABC天卞欧美外教英语中心的外教才和我提过,事实上想学会英语是很容易的~绝对需要个适合的学习环境与练习口语对象,最关键就是外教水平,东南亚口音重,一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正才是最好 持续天天口语学习。

