
那里的风景很美,天很蓝 英文:the scenery there is beautiful and the sky is blue。风景 英文:scenery; landscape; viewBeautiful scenery 例句 我们站在山顶上,饱览这美丽的风景。We stood on top of the hill, drinking in the beautiful view.一道亮丽的风景线A beautiful scenery line

Separated from the street some distance from a telephone booth is a symbol of civilization, but also a beautiful city landscape。


风景 [简明汉英词典] landscape scenery view 所以看风景可以说 look at the landscape landscape-looking the lanscope belongs to the man who looks at it. (ralph waldo 。

风景 [简明汉英词典] landscape scenery view 所以看风景可以说 look at the landscape landscape-looking the lanscope belongs to the man who looks at it. (ralph waldo 。
Beautiful landscape.你好!The scenery there is said to be very beautiful.打字不易,采纳哦!

the scenery here is so beautiful 谢谢采纳

The sightseeings in Dalian are very beautiful.风景超级漂亮:What a beautiful scenery!“一路上风景很美”"The scenery along the way is very beautiful"“一路上风景很美”"The scenery along the way is very beautiful"
The sightseeings in Dalian are very beautiful.风景超级漂亮:What a beautiful scenery!“一路上风景很美”"The scenery along the way is very beautiful"“一路上风景很美”"The scenery along the way is very beautiful"
